A staple local, ‘The Pond’ is known across the country for being simple.
You can ride here in all tides and prevailing winds. The water is waist deep for 1km out in all tides and the enclosed environment shelters the water to be calm whilst ensuring riders don’t get blown out of their depth.
It’s a go-to location for all levels of riders and our schools chosen base.
Often busy with other riders and fringed by a road and sea wall It is important to be aware of local dangers, restrictions and riding rules / etiquette.

S | SW | W | NW

The harbour gets a very unusual double tide which holds the tide high for longer than normal, before catching up with it’s self and rushing out suddenly.
Fortunately the bay is rideable in all states of tides.
Spring / strong high tides will reduce the beach set up space, make the water deeper and choppier as it bounces off the walls, extra care should be taken near the beach. Strong low tides force riders out into a muddier floor surface which can be shallow and contain debris / muscles, therefore care should be taken to ride eep enough.
Within the bay there is very little tidal current, in the channels the tide floods in South-North, the tide ebbs out North-South.
Note: the strongest low tides uncover protected Eel grass seaweed beds which are though to be home to seahorses. Riding in this area is not permitted.

The predominant hazard here is the road and fringing harbour wall. Accidents have happened in the past and as a result there is a restricted ‘no-fly zone’ within 50 meters of the pavement. A line of yellow marker buoys display the distance which kites should not be flown inside of.
The bay has recently become increasing popular with beach tourists and paddleboarders, presenting significant 3rd party dangers on sunny light breeze days.
The shallow water should also be noted as a danger, particularly when the tide begins rushing out. Intermediate and freestyle riders should take extra care not to push their limits in water too shallow.
All independent kiters require a riders permit from the PHC
Flying kites on the beach / inside the buoys / within 50 meters of the road is not permitted
Local etiquette is to actively help each other launch and land safely by walking the kite into the water beyond the buoy line before launching it
Experienced riders stay downwind, beginner riders stay upwind, riders looking for deep water move upwind of the beginners. - Do not ride under beginners kites
Kiting in the shipping channel is not permitted
Postcode: BH13 7PW
Pay and display car parking is located beachside or a short walk at shore road, the price is around £2.50ph
A Tescos express is located at the beach
Public toilets are a short walk away on shore road beach