Shore road beach is a great spot for mellow ocean front riding. The waves are generally small and softer than they rest of the bay, breaking on several sandbanks which line up parallel with the beach.
This stretch of the beach has a large gap between hazards, with rock groynes located 1km SW and a small wooden groyne located 800 meters to the NE.
Riders should be aware of the spring high tide, offshore wind and 3rd party risks, understanding it is not always a go-to location.

NE | E | SE | S | SSW
Facing SE and curving out, the location is ideal in side shore NE and SSW wind.
When the wind comes SW and NNE it comes over land and should be avoided as it’s very gusty and hazardous.
Due to the narrow size of the beach fringed with tall building and amount of other beach users extra care should be taken in directly on-shore SE and E winds, these winds should be avoided all together during strong high tides.

During neap tides the beach is around 40 meters at high tide and 80 meters at low tide.
During spring tides the beach is around 20 meters (or smaller) at high tide and 150 meters at low tide.
The tidal current noticeably floods in to the South and ebbs out to the North in Spring tides.

Here the main hazards riders should be aware of are the fringing promenade and tall buildings which create a collision obstacle and wind updraft in onshore winds.
They should also note that the gap between the building at the entrance to the beach creates a noticeable wind acceleration zone (Venturi effect).
Riders should also note the location of the SW rock groynes and NE wooden groyne, ensuring to avoid them.
Furthermore, the beach is a popular open-water swimmer and tourist hot-spot which can become too busy to safely fly kites during summer months.
These risks particularly increase during high tides and onshore winds.
Riders should not hesitate on the beach here, they should launch their kite and go straight to the water
When on the water riders should avoid ‘buzzing the shore’ and riding in the area where new arrivals will enter the water
Ample space and right of way should be given to beach users and swimmers
During summer months the RNLI set out a flagged swim area, no kiting is permitted in this zone
Postcode: BH13 3PJ
Pay and display parking is located at shore road carpark, near the beach
A toilet block is located at the beach
A cafe and kiosk are located at the beach