Posted by Christopher Burke on

Welcome to the weekly wash, a ramble of news, thoughts, info, advice and possibly the odd promotion I'm going to throw in a email which will hopefully be useful to you.

Our first one written as we're bracing through a string of short storms battering the Cornish coast. It's now the turn of wind sports after 2 weeks of swell served up conditions many are calling the best run in 5 years.

If you're equipped for the temperatures, it's been a reminder of just how good the UK can be.


Every day is a different day in the forecast for the next week.
The Atlantic is a mixing pot of multiple fast moving low pressure systems being squeezed northwards by a large high.

For the week ahead I take from it:

  • Make last minute decisions on where to ride as it's likely to change lots, some of those unusual spots could be on the cards.
    - Expect sudden changes in the wind strength and ride wise.
    - The swell is firing every day here in the west and sheltered spots might be preferred to exposed ones.

- A week for all sports - see piece following


Welcome to our 'Poseidon Loyalty Club' where sign up is free and every purchase earns credit and rewards which increase as you visit us more.

Our way of thanking and supporting the people that support and show loyalty to us.
There's up to 12% discount credit available on purchases, rewards and pop up promotions coming soon too


Stating wind sports as a child I have a passion for energy in the air, but in recent years I've found a love for energy in the sea too.
Much like wind, waves bring an exponential amount of fun. So as I find myself enjoying the spice of variety, choosing the best sport for the conditions at hand, I can't help but think back to all the wasted sessions in the past. When I should have simply switched discipline, cross developed skills and had way more fun.
So a recommendation from a previous one trick pony (who hasn't been cursing the flukey and absent January wind) - branch out, learn to wing, learn to paddle, pop up, kite or buy some lithium support if you need, because old dogs can learn new tricks and the experience and reward of learning and success is very much worth it.


Revolution, fad or gimmic? Time will tell, but it seems the new hot topic in wind and foil sports is the Parawing.
If you've not seen it, the concept is simply a 'stowable' kite/wing/bag thing which you'll use to get up and going, then stuff in your pocket so you can ride swell hands free.

Opinions are good and bad and these first generations are definitely ugly, but it's development which pushes progression and we're excited to see where these downwind toys take us.

Let us know if you want to be kept in the loop or get your own.

Manera Deflater Bag


It passed me by in the catalogue as it seemed like a specific tool for 'deflate downwinders' which it is undoubtably perfect for, but having received them recently I've realised it's actually a highly versatile, super light-weight, well fitting bag made of dacron and ripstop fabric - which won't soak up water when wet.

Perfect for long hikes to the waters edge where the tides or river crossings get in the way or when weight saving is key.

And when you do want to bust out a downwinder - you've got a tool for the job.




Freestyle, creativity and talent flow ease from these guys and 'VORTEX' is sure to inspire.
The premier was acclaimed in Capetown, it goes public on their channel this Saturday.

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